Services We Offer

Database Creation

Benefits of Database:

Systematization of data.

Easy retrieval and processing of data.

Authorization of the data, resulting in security.

Real-Time access to information and KPIs.

Data will be stored in a disciplined manner for long-term use.

Data will be connected to various uses.

Report will be small and quick to retrieve. No need to cook reports each time.

Database platform:

Google cloud- Cost will be recuring.

Our database server – Cost will be recuring.

Our local database server – Fixed charges.

Linking Database to CRM and Dashboards

Consultancy is available:

Online Teams, Google meet, whatsapp meet and Zoom meeting

Half an hour charges are Rs 2000

Hour charges are Rs 4000

Scan QR code share your whatsapp no. on 8008558064 and schedule meeting