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Drive your business with Nudges or alerts to stakeholders:

 Creating a winning sales team in pharma:

Why SFE in Pharma?

Sales force Effectiveness (SFE) describes strategies and technologies that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales team, directly affecting the organisation’s sales achievements and profitability. 

Pharmaceutical industry customer segmentation is important, this can really give you an edge on the competition. 

Segmentation of customers in each territory based on RCPA.


How to count rows and columns in pandas dataframe.

Python with Excel

once you start using python for excel it is very useful in case data set is large like 3 to 8 lacs rows with 60 to 100 columns.

Process time will reduce and simultaneously. All python code is written you will not forget any steps in processing data.

Python with MySQL

I am using python with MySQL. I use python to create table in database, alter table with python, slicing the data, sharing table data with clients with python, embedding data over mail body and many things. 


Color Active Row where editing.

This will highlight the row where are present in excel. 


Convert Bulk Text to Number with Excel Macro:

Exported data from CRM system has Numbers as Text which makes calculations and computations for further analysis near to impossible as the number of rows is over 50000. Excel Macros can do this task in a moment.

Creation of Mega Brand

We have many tools in SFE to make a Brand big.

We have customer customer-centric approach like customer coverage as per the potential of the business, along with “know your customer”.

We have the right incentives and appraisals.

Aligning your front-line territories, as per best reach to your customers.

The next big thing is the brand-level plan and execution.

Brand coverage, Brand priority sequence, and Brand Exposure time to create the mega-brand.